International Medical Partner

The three of us are doing medical research together
to better serve the patients
in Osaka and around the world.

Dr Atsuhisa Nakano, MD, Ph.D.

As a top neurosurgical specialist in the world, Dr Atsuhisa Nakano performed more than 5000 brain surgeries, including more than 300 extreme cases at 100% success rate and without any complications which include more than 32 hours of surgical time per case. He is committed to research and new therapies that add to his existing practice to better serve the Osaka community and the rest of the world.
Ph.D.: 1996.12.5
Matrix metalloptoteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in human gliomas

Dr Atsuhisa Nakano, MD, Ph.D.

Dr Aya Nakano, MD, Ph.D.

She is a mother of four children and a neurosurgeon. She felt the limits of Western medicine not only through daily work but also through experiences of caring for families with brain tumor, stroke, suicide, depression, developmental disorder, autism, cancer, and so on. She has been exploring the world’s holistic therapy for over 20 years.
Ph.D.: 2006.3.31
Expression of the neural RNA-binding protein Musashi in Pediatric brain tumors

Dr Atsuhisa Nakano, MD, Ph.D.

Dr Antoine Chevalier, ND, Ph.D.

He has a first Ph.D. from Sorbonne University in Paris, France. He has a second Ph.D. from the USA as a doctor of Naturopathic medicine. And will do a third Ph.D. in medicine with the University of Osaka. He works as a functional medicine practitioner at the White House in Washington DC USA, serving people who work for the president of the United States of America since 2001. He has been published multiple times in international peer reviewed scientific journals.
Dr Antoine Chevalier’s work at the Nakano clinic of Neurosurgery has been considered for submission and will compete for the most prestigious award : the NOBEL PRIZE in MEDICINE for 2020

Dr Atsuhisa Nakano, MD, Ph.D.



  • 2023年12月28日【年末年始休診】12月29日(金)~1月4日(木)まで休診とさせて頂きます。
  • 2023年06月26日【夏期休診のお知らせ】8月11日(金)~8月15日(火)まで休診とさせて頂きます。
  • 2023年06月26日マグネットネイルの方はMRIを施行することは出来ませんのでご注意下さい。





◎南海粉浜駅       徒歩4分 ◎阪堺線住吉駅  徒歩8分 ◎地下鉄玉出駅    徒歩8分 ◎南粉浜バス停    徒歩2分

〒559-0001 大阪府大阪市住之江区粉浜2-9-14 コハマビル1・2F






